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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reading #28: iCanDraw? – Using Sketch Recognition and Corrective Feedback to Assist a User in Drawing Human Faces (Dixon)

This paper shows the first system for using computer-aided instruction to assits a student in learning to draw human faces. This system uses face and sketch recognition to understand the reference photograph of a human model and a user's drawing of it. When users drawing, the system can give feedback step by step once user require it. Actually, there is matching between template image and user drawing. Face recogniton algorithm is applied to template image and get feature set for this template image. And by using these features, the system can give feedback to users at real time.

This is one of paper that written by our lab. However, I didn't use the system before. But anyway, the idea behind this paper is excellent. Giving feedback at real time is one important advantage for tutoring/educational system.


  1. I think the feedback is very similar to the one in Civilsketch, which plays an important role. The feedback is not real-time, but requested by users. Real-time feedback may cause a big burden of computational time for the system.

    I also appreciate the feedback, the core idea of the paper.

  2. It is a good example of Human Computer Interface. This paper also focus on the problem of "when to show the information" and " what information to show." which remind me of the paper of "Those looks similar"
