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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reading #24: Games for Sketch Data Collection (Johnson)

This paper is very similar with what I read just before. The paper introduces several systems which aim to collect sketching data for research purpose. These data can be shared by researchers on the web. In this paper, they showed two system, Picturephone and Stellasketch two sketching games for collecting data about how people make and describe hand-made drawings. The first system is already described in the previous paper in detail. Stellasketch is a synchronous, multi-player sketching game similar to the parlor game Pictionary. One player is asked to make a drawing based on a secret clue. The other palyers see the drawing unfold as it is made and privately label the drawing. While Picturephone's descriptions are meant to be used to recreate a drawing.

This paper seems more detail than the previous paper. As said in previous discussion section, I pretty much the idea behind this author. They make the collecting sketching data, a boring task for participant, more interesting, in addition, this might encourage some people to participant these games. However, we might doubt about the correctness of these sketch data.

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